نبذة عن عـادل الصادق image
الفنان عادل الصادق من مواليد 25_11_1967 الصابري وعاش مسيرة فنه في منطقه الليثي اشتهر الفن ف الثامنيات ب اول اغنية يا صاحبي قالو حزين اغناي وكان يجيد العزف بعدة الالات موسيقيه   وكان ممتاز في جميع الالات وله العديد من الاغاني و المواويل وكان يعمل حفلات كل يوم خميس في القرية السياحية وجامعه بنغازي في فترتة كان افضل فنان وله كم اغنية في دولة مصر الشقيقه وكان يغني حب للفن وليس للشهرة رحمه الله عليه كانت هوايته الغناء وله نبرة مميزه وعزفه عود خاصه توفى في جامعه بنغازي الموافق 30_4_1991مساء عندما كان في اخر سنه اقتصاد برصاصه صديقه الفقية مما جعل عادل يحدث له نزيف داخلي عندما نقلوه المستشفى سبحان الله لم يجدو ولا دكتور كانت عطله وذهبو لمنزل دكتور عندما احضروه للمستشفى وجدوه ميت رحمه الله عليه دفن في 1_5_1991 عنـدمــا توفـى الفنان عادل غنى صديقه الفنان مهدي البرعصي اغنيه ل عادل 
تـــوفــى عـــادل وتــوفـى معه الفن الليبي 
و كما اضاف ايضا الفنان عادل الصادق اغاني ب الحان الرسوم المتحركة مثل  اغنية (كــنــت) بالــحـن رسوم المتحركة (سـنـان) و كما اضاف الحان اغاني هندية و لبنانية و مصرية و خليجية 
وايضا غناء عادل في مصر اغنية (الارض بتتكلم عربي ) للفنان (سيد مكاوي) وقال سيد مكاوي ل عادل الصادق (حرام تكون في ليبيا انت يجب ان تكون في مصر لانك فنان عملاق)
adil sincere artist born 25_11_1967 Sabri and lived the process of his art in the area Laithi known for his art in Althamnaat b first song, dude Galo sad Ignaa and was fluent in playing several machines musical was excellent in all the machines and has many songs and Mooel and was working concerts every Thursday in the village tourism and University of Benghazi in his time was the best artist and his song km in the State of sisterly Egypt and used to sing love for art, not for fame God's mercy she was his hobby singing and has a tone of distinct and his playing promises special died at the University of Benghazi corresponding 30_4_1991mads when he was in the last year the economy bullet. friend Faqih making internal bleeding just happen to him when they took him hospital Hallelujah did not Ajdo was Dr. holiday Zhbo house when the Doctor brought him to the hospital and found him dead God's mercy be buried in 1_5_1991 when the artist died just sang his friend the artist Mehdi Barasi song's Adil
adil died and died with the Libyan art 

As also he added Adel Sadiq Music Composer for animation, such as a song (you) Balhn animation (Sinan) and also added music composed by Indian and Lebanese and Egyptian and Gul 
And also sing a song just in Egypt (Land Speaks Arabic) of the artist (Syed irons) Said irons's (Adel Sadeq) (haram be in Libya, you must be in Egypt because you have a giant artist)
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